Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Fun Day

Ry and I headed up to Snowbowl for some fun in the snow, thanks to some free tickets snagged at the Warren Miller film. We had a great time. It was only my
3rd time ever snowboarding and each time has been several years apart. So, even though I'm a scaredy cat sometimes, I did improve, thanks to Ryan being such a patient teacher. I can handle the blue runs with a little snowplowing when necessary. He really does have a knack for teaching people athletic things.

The only part I'm STILL mad about is forgetting my camera!!! Me!, I forgot my camera!

If you're curious about what our boys were up to while we were gone, check here:

1 comment:

Richelle Johnson said...

I am so jealous! I bet you guys had a lot of fun. As for your camera, at least 1-you didn't lose it up there, and 2-there was no chance for it to get damaged :)