Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yardwork = Lego Rockband

For Christmas we got Rockband. The boys love it! So do Ryan and I.
But, it feels a little strange when your innocent little boys are belting out songs about say, their alcoholic father or their old girlfriend, etc...
Then, some friends introduced us to LEGO Rockband. The songs are kid friendly and you can set any instrument to a "super easy" setting, which makes it more fun for them. So, when I saw it on sale, I snagged it up.
But, I have a problem just giving my kids somethin' for nothin'. So, we made a list.
Caleb had to:
-learn to play I Am a Child of God on the piano
-do yardwork
Eli had to:
-read me a whole book by himself
-do yardwork
Marcus had to:
-just look cute
-jump up and down in the trash can while we did yardwork

They have LOVED Lego Rockband!
They always argue over who gets to be the singer (even Marcus)
and they always choose Ghostbusters and Kung Fu Fighting every. single. time.


Sarah said...

That is awesome, we have beatles rock
band and its not to bad, but lego rock band sounds fun.

p.s. Marcus's hair looks awesome!

Amy Martinsen said...

Is that a special yard-work "do" on Marcus? It looks like the handy work of a one Sarah Ann Martinsen, who is now on a mission serving the we will forgive her.