Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Caleb's Soccer Season

When the ball comes by, he really goes for it! But, I think he likes being silly with his friends even more...
Here is a shot of him putting a cone on a teammates head during the game. Pretty typical stuff. I just love that he has a sense of humor. He is such a fun kid!

I was too cheap to buy the team photos. Here's the shot I took behind the photographer's back. I was a little embarrassed, but not enough to not do it!


Anonymous said...

im sorry to say but this is his martinssen side coming out. not the fact that he is sporty or coordinated, but rather, puting a straight up CONE on another kids head....and possibly "hearding" the other kids away from the ball as if they were an emu....i've said too much....

Richelle Johnson said...

I wish we could have been there for a game! Looks like he had a BLAST! Especially putting the cone on the kids head :) And I love the fact you took your own pic of the team!